We know eating healthy sounds about as exciting as going to the dentist. But if we told you that it could actually help you achieve healthier skin, maybe it's not so bad after all. Healthy skin is always served well by a combination of surface treatments and, yes, by eating well. Put vitamin-rich foods on your menu, and drink plenty of water. Continue reading to learn how to get healthy skin and prevent breakouts:
BRING ON THE WATER – That 8 to 10 glasses a day rule applies, so drink up. Water carries nutrients throughout the body while flushing out toxins.
GET YOUR ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS ON – Don't be put off by the name. The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids hydrate skin, helping it stay firm and smooth. These fats are essential because they have to come from food – our bodies can't produce them. Sources include salmon, flaxseed oil, olive oil, seeds and nuts.
BE PRO-ANTIOXIDANT – Antioxidant vitamins and supplements may counteract skin damage by helping to reduce some of the effects of sun exposure and environmental pollution. Don't leave home without them.
GET THE GOOD STUFF – Vitamin A: Helps keep cells intact and thriving. It may also reduce the production of sebum, which can clog pores and cause pimples. It's found in yellow and orange squash, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, oranges, grapefruit, papaya, carrots, spinach, kale, liver and fish liver oil.
Vitamin C: May help the body produce and maintain healthy collagen - the glue that holds cells together. It's found in citrus fruits, acerola cherries, red and green peppers, broccoli and bean sprouts.
Zinc: Works with Vitamin C to make collagen, which is essential for healthy-looking skin. It also supports the tissue-rebuilding actions of vitamin A, which helps maintain healthy skin cells. Zinc is found in pecans, pumpkin seeds, whole-wheat flour, rye flour, oat flour, oysters and red meat.
Vitamin E: Helps the body retain moisture and may prevent sun damage. Vitamin E protects cells, preventing tissue degeneration and premature aging. Vitamin E is often used topically to prevent scarring and to heal extremely dry skin patches. Sources include many nuts and seeds.
Selenium: May reduce the risk of skin cancer due to sun overexposure. It's found in garlic, onions, wheat germ and Brazil nuts.
B complex vitamins: Essential for healthy skin in too many ways to name. B complex vitamins help to heal dry or itchy skin, rashes and even those cracks at the corners of your mouth. A-B vitamin deficiency can result in all sorts of skin problems and even hair loss. These are found in whole-grain cereals, nuts, milk, eggs, meats, fish, fruits and leafy green vegetables.
Giving your skin the good stuff inside and out is the secret to great skin. Learning how to maintain healthy skin can be difficult, but if you follow the tips within this article, you should be on your way to clearer skin.
* Claims about supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA